That has been me this week and I don't really know why - there's no specific reason for it - just feeling kind of "eh" , you know?
(Or mayyyybe it's because NY weather is ridiculous and just depressing! )
BUT either way......whatever it is - it HAS to STOP!
And while it's completely okay (and TOTALLY normal) to be in a bad mood once in a while, you don't want to get STUCK there!! Take a minute to feel sorry for yourself, cry, scream, whatever you need to do! And then make the conscious decision to get yourself feeling better! But sometimes that is easier said than done!!
So I wanted to share a couple things that I do when I feel like I'm in a funk!!
1) MUSIC: I love music and music can just change my mood! Find something that makes you HAPPY and turn it UP! None of that slow, mopey, sad stuff! That doesn't help anything!! Dance around, go crazy! Seriously - I DARE you to find an awesome song and try to sit still!
2) PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: I love listening to/reading personal development - and there is a TON out there - this week I have been listening to Eric Thomas on repeat- if you need a kick in the ass, he's your guy!!
*This is the one I've been listening to recently:
3) Go WORKOUT!!: I realized today that I have only worked out ONCE this week and it's Thursday - WTF! - It's no wonder I have been feeling shitty!! (And I forgot my Shakeology a couple days in a row, I'm telling you it's no coincidence!!) Get moving! And I can pretty much guarantee you will start to feel better!
4) GET OUT!!: Surround yourself with people you like, people that make you happy, people you can be yourself around!!! Personally, when I feel like this I'm quick to just seclude myself - it's just my introverted comfort zone! But force yourself to get out there and do something fun!
5) FOCUS on the GOOD! - Seriously, I am someone who always tries to look for the good in things!
However, I am HUMAN and sometimes I am a miserable human (just ask my husband!!!)
BUT POSITIVITY is a CHOICE, so don't focus on what you don't like unless your figuring out a way to CHANGE it! Find the good or the lesson in things!
So NOW I'm going to take my own advice and go workout while listening to some personal development!!!
**FOR THE RECORD - I'm just talking about feeling crummy or being a TEMPORARY bad mood, but depression is a REAL thing! If you're in a long term "rut" or just feeling really down on yourself, there is NO SHAME in seeking professional help!**
So tell me, what do you do when you feel like you're in a rut?? I'd love for you to share with me in the comments below!!!!